Staverton works closely with Private Equity firms to drive value across their investment portfolios. Although often overlooked, procurement is a critical element of portfolio management, delivering true value by materially increasing EBITDA.
Private Equity Services
Private Equity Services

Portfolio Procurement Management
The ongoing management of procurement within a client’s investments is a crucial element of portfolio performance and improving ROI, whether in dividends or exit value. Staverton understands the need to generate value for investors and drives sustainable cost savings, materially increasing EBITDA.
Procurement Due Diligence
Staverton offers specialist Procurement Due Diligence (PDD), performing a deep analysis of an acquisition’s ongoing procurement activity and/or procurement function. Staverton’s PDD provides a full report on Annual Overspend, Supply & Business Risk as well as Procurement Maturity.
Portfolio Procurement Transformation
End-to-end Procurement Transformation focuses on all procurement activity for Private Equity backed companies. Embedding procurement best practices by implementing: Comprehensive Governance, Organisational Design, and Supplier Relationship Management (SRM).
Portfolio Opportunity Assessment
Portfolio Opportunity Assessments can be used on either existing portfolio businesses or recent acquisitions and typically identifies annualised savings opportunities of 8-15% on addressable spend. Usually taking 6-8 weeks to complete, Staverton has experience in completing these exercises across a variety of sectors including manufacturing, retail, healthcare, and food & beverage.
Portfolio Spend Analysis
Staverton understands the importance of data in informing correct procurement behaviours. This applies to both micro (company) and macro (cross-portfolio) views of spend. The Spend Analysis allows the owner to identify outliers and poorly performing categories.
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